A downloadable project

The speartip flashes. Chaff scatters into glittering sparks as missiles skitter and careen. The roar of a coldcore at its limit is only matched by the roar of the crowd screaming their souls into the arena, carried by a thousand handfuls of thrown petals and whipping banners as the victor finally stands still, triumphant. The cheering becomes a chanting crescendo as the cockpit hisses and slides open with a crack: “Lan! Cer! LAN! CER! LAN! CER! LAN! CER! LAN-”

COLDCORE COLISEUM is a homebrew supplement for Lancer, the mech RPG by Miguel Lopez and Tom Bloom. Centered on official tournaments and combat sports, COLDCORE COLISEUM invites you to explore Lancer's setting through a new lens, while still staying true to its themes of the utopia-in-progress, the struggle against inequality and division, and the human spirit that is magnified by mechs in its mud-and-lasers setting. It contains:

  •  8 new player mechs and 4 alt-frames from
    • Khargan/Kasimir Custom Assembly, a bespoke mech crafthouse from the Karrakin Trade Baronies House of Glass. Co-founded by  Khargan Assayid and Kasimir Coryat - once-duelists, now partners - K/KCA blends traditional Karrakin martial techniques with avant-garde design styles to create bold unique machines for each pilot that emphasize skill, coordination, and high chivalry.
    • The Menagerie, a high-tech underground arena where the galaxy's greatest engineering minds and avant-garde ideologues wage mock war in their latest experimental projects.  Menagerie frames introduce the new Experimental, Kickstart, and Supercharge tags to reflect their (mostly stable) cutting edge technology.
  • 4 new talents for pilots - Alchemist, Field Tester, Kavalier, and Technician.
  • New mechanics for GMs and players to represent the arena and its surrounding characters like specialty combat restrictions and tracking favor with a sponsor.
  • 6 ICONIC NPCs; unique enemy mechs that always have multiple structure either as an Elite setpiece, or upgraded to an ICONIC Ultra raid-boss to create memorable combat encounters.

If you've enjoyed COLDCORE COLISEUM please send any and all questions and feedback to @cicada_king on the PilotNET Discord, and check out my other Lancer homebrew supplement, the Field Guide to Castor & Pollux. Thanks for playing!

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(4 total ratings)
TagsHomebrew, lancer, lancerrpg, Mechs, Tactical RPG, Tabletop role-playing game


ICONIC_NPCS_V1.0.lcp 23 kB
Coldcore Coliseum_v2.0.pdf 20 MB

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