Tametomo Update

After getting some feedback on the HA Tametomo's performance I've made some small changes to the frame and license. For the frame, its Plasma Halo trait now prevents burn from reducing it below 1 HP meaning it will no longer have a chance of immediately exploding with unlucky Overkill procs on its Flare Bow. For the license, the Polarizer Charges were simplified and gained 1 base Limited charge, and the Zephyr-Pattern Muon Darts have been removed completely with the Typhoon-Pattern Ion Channel moved down to LL2 in their place. Now in the LL3 slot is the Immolation Bolt, a hefty limited system that deals deterministic Burn based on your current Burn to an unlucky target of your choice. This should give it a better way of generating Burn to then use with the Extinguisher Cells and Ion Channel, as well as a way to cash in the Burn that the Channel and the Flare Bow generate.

The PDF and LCP have both been updated to include these changes, but the rest of them are unchanged. As always, I love getting feedback and data from anyone using the setting and mechanics, so please don't hesitate to reach out to me with anything, no matter how trivial it feels, positive or negative. Thank you all for the continued support, and because I don't think I ever said it, thanks to Beef and the rest of the Comp/Con team for hosting my work there!


Field Guide to Castor and Pollux 3.2 MB
Apr 08, 2021
Apr 08, 2021

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